Friday, December 23, 2016

LOA2 - F2P Undying Freeman Carry on a 3-Man Squad

Ok, so maybe "undying" is an exaggeration but Freeman is arguably the best Epic Angel in LOA2, better than Elaine in my opinion. Freeman will take you further than Elaine will ever will. What makes Freeman special is his ability to fully heal himself, and his tankiness. For a free to play player, he is one of the best options out there, especially if you don't want to waste diamonds on ritual tokens hoping to get a Lucas, Huxley, or a Lydia. Pair Freeman with a healer and you are set. In a 3-man team, any healer will do. The best though is Flora, so make sure you pick up all Flora shards on the Hero Shop and raid elite maps for her shards too. Below is a video of a 3-man squad concentrated on beefing up Freeman.

As you can see from the video, any other angel would have died on the 1st or 2nd round of that match. But not Freeman. Of course, you also need to make sure your main can dish out at least significant damage to supplement Freeman's low offense. Doing so will give your squad the capability to finish the opposing team. 45% of your resources should go to Freeman, 35% to your Main, and the rest to Flora. Keep Flora and your Main at the back to keep them away from damage (or if you are up against back row killers, shift them to the front and let Freeman stay at the back).

Trouble with this setup is your lack of firepower, that's why do not forget to increase your Main's attack stats. Your Main will be your killer, and Freeman will soak up all the damage the enemy throws your way. take note though that you will have great difficulty defeating AI teams with 2 healers or 1 healer and 2 tanks. Don't get frustrated though, you will get stronger and you can defeat them in time. Here's another video of Freeman tanking.

But Freeman won't last you forever, so save up your souls to buy mythic shards when they become available for you. By choosing Freeman, you won't be wasting souls to buy up Legendary angel shards. Freeman is cheap and very effective.

As a final note, it's a good idea to keep a leveled up Carl as backup to replace Flora when you face an AI team with healers. Carl will help with the killing. Freeman doesn't depend much on healers anyway, especially on normal and elite maps. I said replace not add, take note. If you want to stick to a 3-man squad, don't ever add a 4th hero because you can't ever remove him/her again.

So, let me know what you think in the comments. Also, do you think Elaine is better? If you do, post your arguments on the comments as well. Thanks!


  1. I love Elaine but the 3-man squad is also very annoying if she defensive values are low but we can use freeman even on level 60+. It also goes very well with Ifrit.

  2. Elaine for fast map clear!!!!

    1. yea if you are the kind of player that gets bored watching long fights then Elaine is the Epic hero for you...but i bet Freeman will take you further in the map and in abyss =)

  3. how get 3 stars with 3 man squad in elite dungeon

    1. as of the latest patch you can no longer get 5-stars in elite dungeons if you don't have a 5-man team
